The story itself is still the same as Gen 1, though there are new locations and small changes to events here and there to freshen things up while still keeping it mostly true to the original Gen 1 story.

It aims to eventually fix all of the most glaring oddities of Gen 1, and include many new features and gameplay elements that we have become accustomed to over the years. This is an extremely amateur tutorial on how to change the colours on the GBA Emulator for Pokémon Red, Blue and Green.Here are the codes I used. The goal of Pokemon Red++ is to serve as an updated version of Pokémon Red. Download the Pokemon Red ROM now and enjoy playing this game on your computer or phone. This is the USA version of the game and can be played using any of the GBC emulators available on our website. Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Mirage of Tales: The Ages of Faith Overview DOWNLOAD Pokemon Red ROM Description Have fun playing the amazing Pokemon Red game for Game Boy Color.